

The project from inception until end year 2012 has been fully funded by the Managing trustee and outside donation was not accepted.

We have started accepting donations from January 2013 and please refer the statement of Activities/Accounts for the contributions/expenses summary.

As we have already admitted Twelve children, we require external financial support to meet the running expenses to maintain high quality of service.


To maintain proper accounting control and transparency, we accept donations only by cheque / bank transfer. Donations by cash or kind will not be accepted.

The bank details are as follows:

Ashram Charitable Trust
A/c no: 00000039205158069
State Bank of India,
Redfields Branch,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

Please email your donation details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so as to send the receipt .We have obtained 80G exemption and the details can be viewed in Financial Accountability section of this website.

Any contribution, however small, is very much appreciated.

We will be uploading the details of donation/donor on monthly basis.